TIBS Internet Hosting Services

Web Access Account Cost:
$15/month or $150/year
One time set-up fee or $10

Each Web/Shell account includes an e-mail address, providing you with an additional means to communicate with your clients. The e-mail can be accessed from the login account, or through a POP3 client like Netscape Mail or Eudora. You will also have the ability to publish your web pages under http://www.tibs.net/~username.

  • Shell/FTP access account
  • E-Mail access (server or Pop3)
  • 30 MB of storage space (including e-mail on server)
  • 300 MB/day in served documents and images (bandwidth)
  • Full CGI access (system cgi-bin, and personal cgi-bin)
  • Full Server Side Includes access
  • Access to Web-Developmental Authoring Tools
Virtual Web Server Cost:
$5/month or $50/year

Virtual Web Server allows your company's web pages to be reached at http://www.yourcompany.com from a web browser. The Virtual Web Server makes it possible for you to create a business presence on the Internet and reach the millions of homes that are online every day. This enables you to provide information to your customers in a clean, efficient way that is very cost effective. Not only will you benefit from the cost savings, the Virtual Web Server also gives you a more professional appearance to your customers. Your home page address will appear as "www.yourcompany.com" and not "www.provider.com/~yourcompany" as it would with a non-virtual web server or a web mall.

All Virtual Services/Servers implies that one has a Web Access Account and a registered domain name.

Virtual E-mail Services Cost:
$5/month or $50/year

Virtual E-mail Services allows your company to have e-mail address at username@yourcompany.com. Your Virtual E-mail Service also allows you to alias e-mail addresses. E-mail aliasing allows your company to have e-mail addresses linked to your own domain. Your address might be "sales@yourcompany.com" and not an extension of your local access providers name. The Virtual E-mail Service forwards your incoming e-mail to your e-mail account with your local access provider. With unlimited e-mail aliasing, you can have an e-mail address for customer support, an e-mail address for service, a set of e-mail addresses for your marketing department, and even an e-mail address for your mother, all at no extra cost! The aliasing will forward the e-mail received for these addresses to any e-mail account or accounts you already have established with your local access provider.

All Virtual Services/Servers implies that one has a Web Access Account and a registered domain name.

Virtual Anonymous FTP Server Cost:
$5/month or $50/year

With your Virtual Anonymous FTP Service you can allow your customers to download files that will give them more information about your company. For example, you could allow them to download a catalog of your products or a price list of your services. This allows your customers to have instant access to your information and also saves you on printing and mailing costs! Your Virtual Anonymous FTP Service will also allow you to have a simple FTP address such as "ftp.yourcompany.com" that will appear to your customers as if you have your own dedicated server. Your Virtual Anonymous FTP Service gives you another avenue to reach current and potential customers and provide a service for them that will enable them to find out more about your company, thus doing more business with you. The Virtual Servers currently support only Anonymous FTP. This protects you from someone logging on to your system and doing harm. However, we will soon add multiple user FTP accounts in addition to the anonymous FTP.

All Virtual Services/Servers implies that one has a Web Access Account and a registered domain name.

Pop3 E-mail Box Cost:
$5/month or $50/year
One time set-up fee or $5

A POP3 e-mailbox allows you to send and receive e-mail using POP3 compliant e-mail programs (like Eudora, Netscape Mail, MS Internet Mail, and other software packages). Additional e-mailboxes allow you to send, store and retrieve e-mail using separate, password-protected e-mail-only accounts. A Pop3 e-mailbox is not a shell/web account, though all shell/web accounts include an e-mailbox. Once you have established a connection to the Internet, you can then instruct your favorite e-mail program to connect to the TIBS mail server using the name and password for your e-mailbox.
  • Pop3 E-mail access
  • 10 MB of e-mail storage space
Autoresponders Cost:
$5/month or $50/year

An autoresponder is similar to Fax-On-Demand technology, only the information is transferred by E-mail. When someone desires information from you that has been made available via an autoresponder, they simply send an E-mail to the autoresponder address. Within seconds, your information is rushed off to the prospect, and their request is forwarded to you so that follow up contact may be made. Any frequently requested document may be placed on your autoresponder. Pricing information, product information, free reports, and sale specials are just a few of the documents which are ideal for placement on an autoresponder.
Mailing Listserv Cost:
$10/month or $100/year

Ask Staff
Additions to Services $50 (one time) Domain Name Server Modification fee
$1 for each additional MB of storage
$5 for each additional 100MB transferred over daily limit.

[Image: Of the small TIBS Logo]